november landscaping tips

  • November is a great time to turn on your hose and give your Boxwood, Japanese Yews, and evergreens one good last soaking before the ground freezes. It is so very important for evergreens as they do "give off" moisture during the winter months. Having good moisture at the root systems helps prevent problems, disease and plant health issues. Once you have thoroughly soaked those plants, and any newly planted trees, and your Birch trees, then you can empty out your hose and put it away for the winter. Anti desiccants are sprays that put a waxy coating on the evergreen foliage that prevents them from letting the drying winter winds burn the foliage. It can be applied this month, and you may need to re-apply later in winter if it washes off with rains an snow. It might be a good idea for new evergreen plantings the first year.
  • This may also be your last chance to mow your lawn and more importantly to shred the leaves that are still on your lawn.  Shredding those last leaves with your mower is a great idea so they don't mat on the grass under the snow. Shredding them basically makes them disappear unless they are very thick (thick layers of leaves should be composted if possible). Mowing them is easy and good for your lawn. Long and "thatchy" lawns are more susceptible to rodent damage.  It is also a good idea to run the gasoline out of your lawn mower when you are done using it. The newer formulations of gasoline do not store well so let your mower run until it is all used up. Some people like to add an additive to the gas tank instead, you may want to ask your mechanic what they suggests.
  • Is your November landscape showing lack of interest? Now is an excellent time to get the Design Pro from McKay over to your home to see how they can help. A great design has interest in all four seasons. Measuring and preparing a plan now before the snow flies is an excellent way to get a jump on your new spring landscape. They have time now to meet and find out your likes and dislikes to put together a custom landscape just for your lifestyle. Find the Design professional in your area on our webpage (click here) or just give is a call at (800) 236-4242 anytime. We are open year round!
  • Protect young trees and newly planted trees now! Trees that we shipped to your home this fall did come with a trunk protector already on your tree to prevent damage during shipment. You can leave that trunk protector on your tree all winter long and remove it in spring. Newly planted fruit trees and Crabapples are sometimes susceptible to rodent and rabbit damage. The best method to protect the trunks on those trees it to wrap them with hardware cloth or metal screening to prevent those critters from chewing off the bark from the trunks. Do not use black drain tile to protect your tree trunks as it causes the trunks to heat up when the sun shines on it. Tree wraps are best for the winter months only and be sure and remove them in early spring.  
  • Last chance to plant those spring flowering bulbs before the ground freezes. You might find some great deals at the last minute. Just be sure the bulbs are clean and firm, not soft or lightweight. Plant them in drifts or larger groups for greater impact.